"The PCR test can detect disease many months after the initial episode, and in those instances the likelihood that those individuals are infectious is very, very low." – Chief of Microbiology PHOL, Dr. Allen pic.twitter.com/5WjFd5D1Wg
— CrasHTalk (@CrasTalk) December 29, 2020
“The PCR test can detect disease many months after the initial episode, and in those instances the likelihood that those individuals are infectious is very, very low.” – Chief of Microbiology PHOL, Dr. Allen
„Test PCR może wykryć chorobę wiele miesięcy po wstępnym epizodzie, a w takich przypadkach prawdopodobieństwo zakaźności tych ludzi jest bardzo, bardzo niskie”. – stwierdziła Szef Mikrobiologii PHOL (Public Health Ontario Laboratory), dr Allen